Dreamtime Ritual- Ceremonial & Protection, herbal Bath & Body oil 4oz
This blend was created as a ritual tool for deeper connection to our vision, while coming deeply home to our selves and into our bodies. Beautiful for a bath - which is such a great place to connect with self and our vision and to connect more deeply to ourselves or as a beautiful body oiling ritual. Another great blend to use if you do alot of intuitive work or are deeply sensitive, as this blend helps us connect more deeply to our knowing & self while protecting & grounding us deeply into our bodies - this blend supports releasing tension in our bodies on the physical level allowing us to drop in more deeply and for our nervous systems to relax while allowing for an open heart.
Ofcourse this can simply be used for self care and as a way to relax too!!
Ingredients: Mugwort, Cedar, Blue Vervain, Rose, Lavender, Yarrow, & Juniper infused in Jojoba oil, trace amounts of grape alcohol for potency.